
I teach about research at Reforge. This page provides information and links to register for current offerings.


I teach about research at Reforge. Over the last three years, more than 1,000 people have taken my courses. You can find information on current courses and links to register below.


Effective Customer Conversations

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for product managers, marketers, founders, and others who need to engage with customers as a core part of their job. It provides a deep dive into many of the different types of customer conversations that are found across organizations and offers frameworks, examples, and templates for how to make the most of those interactions.

What you’ll do:

  • Learn frameworks and approaches for any customer conversation, ranging from problem discovery to product support

  • Understand how to make sense of and respond to customer feedback

  • Practice key conversation skills in small groups to develop confidence and find your own voice

Learn more and sign up on Reforge.


User Insights for Product Decisions

As a product leader, you will spend the rest of your career making decisions based on user feedback. To make great decisions, just talking to users isn't enough. First, you must carefully define the business decision and understand the evidence needed to make that decision. Then use research methods from this program to gather evidence and synthesize insights into a compelling storyline that guides the organization to the right choices. This is not an intro-to-research course. It's about using research to make great decisions and drive innovation.


What you’ll cover:

Decision-First Planning

Smart product decisions require smarter customer insights. We’ll start by defining and scoping the product decision, identifying the type of evidence you need, and planning your research approach.

Conversational Research

No matter the decision, you’ll likely need to talk to users. But how you talk to them can vary widely depending on the product decision you need to make. You will learn about different conversational research methods, and how to execute each in a thoughtful and unbiased way.

Testing & Surveys

Informed product decisions require both qualitative and quantitative evidence. You’ll learn how to run usability tests and surveys with depth and precision, when to use each method, and how they map to different product decisions.

Synthesis & Decision-Making

After gathering raw evidence, you need to synthesize it into a compelling storyline. You will learn techniques for synthesis, documentation, and cross-functional communication to help facilitate product decisions.

Learn more and sign up on Reforge.